Posted by Lauren Putnam on 12/19/2014

I can't believe it's been a month since I posted anything.
Time has just rushed by in a blur.
Home: church drama practice, practice, practice, performance, performance, performance,
mail this, buy that, wrap it up, check this off my list, add this and this to it,
shop, make this appointment, chase 12 pounds of furry, greased lightning around the house
(There goes another spool of thread!) 
Finish this Christmas gift project, start the next...
Clean the house? You've GOT to be kidding!
School: parent conferences,  "write report, print report, sign report, repeat 16 times, parent conferences,
answer a bazillion phone calls, attend this meeting, abc journals, math journals, abc book pages, handwriting,
"He did WHAT in his pants?",  "I'm waiting, I'm waiting, I'm waiting".  start another project, get the last one done,
NO PM AGAIN? , parent conferences, test/track individual progress, "What did you say? Words are for helping, NOT hurting".
Take boots off, put shoes on, take shoes off, put boots on. "Whose mitten is this"? 
I feel like TAZ spinning around like crazy!
Time to take a step back. Time to breathe.
Time to think about why all the celebration.
Time to re-read Luke 2.
Time to think of the wonderous gift of Christ on Christmas.
Time to ENJOY family and faith.
Merry, Merry Christmas to you all!