• Warm Up & Heart Rate

    š    The purpose of warming up is to increase your heart rate and raise your body temperature.

    ·   As your heart rate and body temperature increase you help to prevent injuries by improving the elasticity (flexibility) of your muscles, ligaments and tendons.  (Example: Chewing gum)


    š   Resting Heart Rate (RHR) ~ The number of heart beats per minute while your body is at rest.  

    o   The average RHR falls between 60 – 80 heart beats per minute.

    o   Typically the more fit you are the lower the number of heart beats per minute.



    ·  Fitness level

    ·  Heredity /Genetics
        (“What your mama + papa gave you”)

    ·  Medication

    ·  Anxiety / Illness / Fatigue

    ·  Smoking

    ·  Caffeine

    ·  Dehydration


    š   Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) ~ The highest number a person's heart beats in a minute of exercise with an “all out” effort.

    ·   Unless an individual is extremely fit, you want to avoid overworking your heart at this level for an extended period of time.

    ·   As you get older your MHR decreases.


    220 – Your age = MHR


    š   Target Heart Rate (THR) ~ The intensity level at which your heart is being exercised during an activity; A choice made depending on your goals of your workout. 

    Þ When exercising at the correct THR, your body benefits in the following ways:

    o   Heart is strengthened working more efficiently during rest and exercise

    o   Lung capacity increases

    o   The % of fat calories used for energy increases

    o   Potential for injury is minimized
    o   The risk for high blood pressure + cholesterol is minimized


    Recommended THR for HS Students
    ranging in age between 15 – 19
    (Based on the student’s current fitness level)
    Beginner/Low Fitness Level                      50-60%              100 - 120 b/m
    Intermediate/Average Fitness Level      60-70%             130 - 150 b/m
    Advanced/High Fitness Level                  70-85%             150 - 170 b/m
    Your heart, like other muscles you exercise + train, becomes stronger and more efficient; pumping more blood each beat with less effort.  The more fit you are the higher the intensity you need to exercise at to increase your heart rate. 


    š   In PE, we use your CAROTID artery to measure your heart rate; counting for 6 seconds then multiplying by 10 = 60 seconds.  When counting in class, begin counting with the number zero to allow for the time lapse when reacting to the "Ready, count" direction from the teacher.

    š   During activity, our goal is to reach your target heart rate ranging between 100 – 170 beats per minute depending on your current fitness level.


    Frisbee Golf ~ Disc Golf ~ "Frolf"

    ETIQUETTE:  Expected behavior/manners while playing Frisbee Golf
    • Following tee off, the furthest disc from the hole throws first; this continues until all players have completed the hole.
      • Do NOT stand in front of the thrower while waiting your turn; stand to the side or behind.
    • Be aware of other players.
      • Never throw the disc toward other players, wait until the group ahead has moved out of your path.
      • Never walk in front of players throwing discs.
    • Yell "FORE" if someone could be hit by your throw.  "Fore" means to forewarn.
      • Cover your head if "Fore" is yelled in your direction.
    • Do NOT delay the game.
      • Move quickly to your next shot.
      • Let the faster moving groups play through ("budge ahead")
    TECHNIQUE:  Method used to throw the disc correctly
    • Forehand (Sidearm) Throw
      • Make a peace sign with your throwing hand
      • Turn your palm up; Hang the frisbee lip on the peace sign
      • Squeeze the top of the frisbee lip with your thumb; Curl the rest of your fingers into your palm
      • Elbow in; Palm up; Face target
      • Lean or step toward target with the foot opposite of your throwing hand
      • Snap your wrist at the end of the throw
      • Keep your palm up throughout the throw
      • Keep the frisbee flat throughout the throw
    • Backhand Throw
      • Hold the frisbee with the index (pointer) finger placed along the edge with the thumb on top; The three remaining fingers hold the bottom lip of the disc
      • Your throwing shoulder facing the target
      • Bring the disc toward your body by curling the throwing arm inward.
      • Keep the disc flat; Snap the wrist at the end of the throw
      • Follow through finishing with your index finger pointing at the target
    SCORING:  Add each throw taken throughout the course.  The fewest throws (lowest score) = the winner.
    • PAR:   The number of throws a player is expected to use to complete the hole.  Each hole on the PE course is a PAR 3.
    • BIRDIE:   One throw under PAR (-1)
    • EAGLE:  Two throws under PAR (-2)
    • BOGEY: One throw over PAR (+1)
    • DOUBLE BOGEY:  Two throws over PAR (+2) 




    ·       Two teams consisting of 5 - 6 players on the field.  Substitute players rotate into the game every 8 downs.

    ·       Objective:  Score a touchdown within 4 downs.

    ·       The ball is “downed” + play is over when:     



    3.   FUMBLE

    4.   OUT OF BOUNDS

    ·       The center may hike the ball to any player. 

    ·       Anyone is eligible to be the passer or the receiver (but not one and the same).

    ·       The ball may be thrown in any direction an unlimited # of times.

    ·       To be eligible to score, 3 changes of possession must occur.

    ·       Fumbles are DEAD.  No change of possession.

    ·       Fumbles and incomplete passes resume play where the ball was last in control.

    ·       4th Down:  May go for the TD or “throw~punt”.  If the TD is NOT scored on the 4th down, the opponent has possession where the play ended.

    ·       Following a TD, the scoring team “throw~kicks” to the opponent.

    ·       DEFENSE = person to person with no blocking or physical contact.  If a person is standing in front of you, you must go around them. 

    ·       The defense must count 5 Mississippi’s (OUT LOUD) before the quarterback may be rushed. 

    ·       NO QB sneaks with the Mississippi’s in effect. 

    ·       INTERCEPTIONS ARE ALLOWED resulting in a “free down”.



    Service Options:

    1. Underhand Serve:  Contact with the shuttle below the waist.
    2. Flick Serve:  Wrist motion contacting the shuttle below the waist.

    Þ    Server stands INSIDE the service quadrant.

    Þ    Serve to the opponent’s court diagonally.

    o   The shuttle must be served within the boundaries of the correct court.

    o   The line is inbounds.

    Þ    The serve is made from the RIGHT quadrant when the server’s score is EVEN.

    Þ    The serve is made from the LEFT quadrant when the server’s score is ODD.

    Þ    The short line is the boundary line that determines if the service is hit long enough to be considered playable.

    Þ    When the shuttle makes contact with the net on the serve and continues into the correct quadrant it is called a LET SERVE = REPLAY.

    Þ    Only ONE server will serve for the team initiating the game.    Following the initial service possession, both partners will have an opportunity to serve before losing possession of the service.

    Þ    CANNOT change the player receiving service.




    Þ      Game is to 15 points; you DO NOT have to win by 2 pts.

    Þ      Serving team is the only team that may score a point

    Þ      If a birdie hits any line on the badminton court, it is considered in bounds.

    Þ    The ceiling is out of bounds.