š          The purpose of warming up is to increase your heart rate and raise your body temperature.

    ·        Your “stretchability” increases as your heart rate and temperature increase; helping to prevent injuries.  (Ex. Chewing gum)


    š          Resting Heart Rate (RHR) ~ The number of heart beats per minute while your body is at rest.  

    o       The average RHR falls between 60 – 80 heart beats per minute.

    o       Typically the more fit you are the lower the number of heart beats per minute.



    ·        Fitness level

    ·        Heredity / Genetics (“What your mama + papa gave you”)

    ·        Medication


    š          Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) ~ The highest number of times a person"s heart can beat in a minute of exercise.

    ·        Unless an individual is extremely fit, you want to avoid overworking your heart at this level.


    220 – Your age = MHR


    š          Target Heart Rate (THR) ~ The intensity level at which your heart is being exercised during an activity.  THR helps you determine your progress.

    Þ    When exercising at 80% of your MHR, your body benefits in the following ways:

    o       Heart is strengthened

    o       Lung capacity increases

    o       The % of fat calories used for energy increases

    o       Your body works efficiently


    180 – Your age = THR @ 80%


    o         The more fit you are, the higher the intensity your exercise needs to be to increase your heart rate.  (Your heart muscle is stronger, therefore, you must exert more energy to get your strong heart pumping harder)


    š          In PE, we use your CAROTID artery to measure your heart rate; counting for 6 seconds then multiplying by 10 = 60 seconds.  When counting, using a stopwatch, begin counting with the number 0 (zero).

    š          During activity, our goal is to reach and maintain the range 150, 160, 170 heart beats per minute.