•                                          Mr. Klumpp

                                       Newfane High School

                         HEALTH EDUCATION

    Mandatory New York State Requirement for High School Graduation”


    §         Course Objectives:

    o        Students in health classes will learn concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention, which will give a lifetime of knowledge to lead a healthy lifestyle. 

    o        Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and reduce health risks by analyzing the influence of culture, media, technology and other factors on health.

    o        Students will understand that interpersonal communication skills are very important when dealing with certain situations. 

    o        Students will use their abilities for goal setting and decision-making to enhance their health, and will have the ability to influence and support others in making positive health choices.

    §         Preparation for class:

    o        Pen or pencil

    o        3 ring notebook

    o        Textbook

    o        School agenda

    §         Rules:

    o        All students must come to class on time and prepared for the lesson.

    o        When the bell rings students must be in their assigned seat and await further instructions. 

    o       Students are expected to raise their hand before asking a question and listen when the teacher is instructing the class. 

    o       Every student is expected to treat others respectively; rude or immature behavior will NOT be tolerated.

    • Grading:
      • Participation/Attitude: 15%
        • Taking part in class discussions, following class rules, and demonstrating a positive attitude towards classmates and teacher.
      • Homework/Notebook: 30%
        • Homework includes worksheets, chapter questions, vocabulary, essays, etc. 
        • Notebook will include individual sections for notes, homework, quizzes, and tests.  **Checked every 5 weeks.
      • Project(s): 15%
        • Group work based on different health related topics (Ex. Drugs, diseases, body systems, etc.)
      • Class Assessments: 40%

    Classroom Procedures

    ·         Attendance:

    o        Students will be COMPLETELY quiet during roll call.

    o        Tardies (late to class)

    §         Being on time means being in your seat when the bell rings (not running through the door as it rings!)  This will IMPACT your grade.

    ·         Absentees:

    o        If you know in advance that you will be gone, talk to me to get your assignments before you go. 

    o        As long as you had an EXCUSED absence you get to make up work you missed while you were gone, for full credit.  You have one full week to make up the work you missed, after that it is recorded as a ZERO. 

    o        Please see me for any questions relating to the assignments.

    ·         My desk, overhead, chair, & computer:

    o        Off limits to all students unless I directly give you permission.

    o        Do not crowd my desk, 2 students at a time.

    ·         In the classroom:

    o        You do not need to ask permission to throw something in the garbage, to get a tissue, or sharpen your pencil.  Use your common sense as to when you do these activities (ex. Not during group presentations).

    ·         Heading of papers to be turned in:

    o        All information should be in the upper right hand corner.

    o        First Line: Your name (first and last).

    o        Second Line: Class name and period #.

    o        Third Line: Name of Assignment.

    o        Fourth Line: Date (ex. 9/6/05).

    o        Loose-leaf notebook paper only (not ripped out of a spiral notebook).

    ·         Hall passes:

    o        Hall passes are a privilege, only deserving students will receive them.

    o        Passes are signed out of the student agenda, exceptions may be made for cooperative students who have used all of their passes.

    o        Hall passes are to go to the bathroom, get homework out of locker, use the drinking fountain, etc.  Any other uses will not be tolerated.

    ·         Internet:

    o        We will be using the Internet Lab; this is a privilege not a right.

    o        When we are in the lab, it is for educational purposes only, you will have a handout with specific instructions as to what you are looking for.

    o        You must remain on the subject that we are studying.  You should never go to sites that are not related to the material at hand.  **This includes sites that are not “bad”, but don’t relate to our area of study.

    o        You will NEVER be able to just “SURF THE NET” during our time together, our course content will be interesting enough.

    ·         Questions, Concerns

    o        If there are any questions, please ask.  I will have my free periods posted.

    o        If anyone has any special needs during class, let me know?


    I truly look forward to teaching all of you the values of a healthy lifestyle, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.


    **Extra Credit opportunities will be given throughout the school year.